Discover The Skillset 
That’s Letting Countless Christians Finally Live 

A Life of Abundance & Freedom...

It’s Simple… Requires No Prior Experience… 

And Now I Want To Personally Help You Turn 
This Skillset Into a Thriving Online Business 
Inside The Next 30 Days!

Discover The Skillset 
That’s Letting Countless Christians Finally Live A Life

Of Abundance & Freedom...

It’s Simple… Requires no 

Prior Experience...
And I Want To 
Personally Help You Turn 
This Skillset Into a 
Thriving Online Business 
Inside The Next 30 Days!

Friendly heads up – this offer closes at 11:59PM EST on Sunday, May 15th.

Cory is GOOD at showing you ways to generate income… sometimes with very little effort at all! This gives you the potential of making some additional income while not giving up on your calling to do ministry. I just highly recommend it.”

Josh Stockel

“I’m a skeptical person when it comes to people’s online personas. I always ask the question.. ‘Are they in REAL LIFE, the same person that they are online?’ Cory is that and more. He’s got a proven program and he will be there to stand beside you.

Darin Campbell

“I’ve been working with Cory for 3 years, and it’s been incredible for my business. When you’re working with him, he is THERE for you - he has your back! I can’t say enough about Cory, his vision, and how he wants to help you. Thank you so much!”

Brenda Ashton Norris

“Of all the trainings I’ve been apart of, Cory’s trainings & leadership are second to none. Cory is completely different & is one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met. Not only that, he’s on top of the digital marketing world! It’s great to be able to call him a mentor & a friend.”

Jake Waits

“We’re looking to get somewhere between 10 and 15K a month so that our time can be freed up. If you’re looking to get into this, you’re not alone! There’s a fantastic community, and I can’t speak well enough about the folks who help us weekly.”

Nate Callen

“If you’re looking to do something part time to bless your family’s life, but to also open up some opportunities in your own life… you have to check this out!”

Zach Coder

Dear Aspiring Kingdom Entrepreneur,

We have spent an amazing week together...
And as a way to say thanks…
Today I have a truly one-of-a-kind opportunity to share with you.
An almost guaranteed way...

✅ To create a life 

of wealth and security for those you love
✅ To buy back your TIME - and be free to do the things you’re called to
✅ To take on greater stewardship, in order to make a greater impact!

So if you’d like to build off the momentum we’ve created during this past week together…

And if you want a way to finally achieve each of these things…
Then reading what I’m about to share with you on this page might be the most important part of the entire challenge.
(You wouldn’t drive the whole field just to not go for the touchdown, right?)
Now, you’ve spent the past few days learning about ONE thing:

Lead Generation.

I personally believe...

This Is The #1 Skillset 
for Regular People 
Looking to 
Ethically Reclaim 
Their Time and Financial Freedoms

But by now you don’t even have to take my word for that!
You’ve heard from my students how this skillset has changed their lives.
You’ve seen how it’s let them take control of their finances…
…finally giving their families the kind of safety and security they deserve.
You’ve heard directly from them – in their own words – how this is giving them endless opportunities to bless and serve others…
And if you’ve listened in closely on our training calls…
You’ll have also heard how these many of these students either got their start (or wish this program existed when they started...)
Marketing With A Mission.
Especially when you consider…
❌ They DIDN’T have any prior marketing experience.
❌ They DIDN’T know anything about building websites.

❌ They DIDN’T have big networks to leverage for finding clients.

They were regular people just like you – tired of not living the kind of lives they knew they were put here for…

Marketing With A Mission is what finally gave many their biggest breakthroughs.

And today I want to give YOU the opportunity to work alongside me inside this groundbreaking program too.
Over the years we’ve tweaked it and made it even BETTER…
(By adding more live coaching calls, support, and hands-on training…)
And now the entire program is designed to do ONE thing:
Take you from zero to profitable online lead generation biz owner…
Inside the next 30 days.
Just 30 days!
Do you think you could give me 30 days in exchange for a thriving online business…
One that provides you the time and financial resources required to do the things you love for YEARS to come?
If so then please continue reading this page carefully.
I’m going to give you all the details on Marketing With A Mission in just a second.
But before you go anywhere… 
I have one final “surprise” I wanted to share with you.
For Our Freedom To Serve Challenge Takers ONLY…
I’ve Put Together Something Special That Will Help You Passively Earn $500-$1,500+ A Month Right From The Start!

Now, the #1 thing new students struggle with when they get started with this business…

Is finding clients.
ANYONE can put together a website and generate leads.
As long as you can follow a few simple instructions…
Do a couple drag and drops…
That’s the easy part!
Don't believe me... check out this little sneak peak from the MWAM Course:

Unfortunate truth:

The real reason good people fail in this business (and why the immoral do extremely well)

You can see from above that the real issue people suffer from isn't the tech. Look how easy things have become!

Instead it’s the sales and prospecting side of things that trips most people up.

And you want to know why?
Because people like us (AKA people with morals)...
Can't just sell something for the sake of it.
We need to KNOW, with every fibre of our being that the thing we're selling is going to work.
That's what's great about MWAM.
You get to see the results - and get paid for them - without ever having to speak with a client.
And when you see those leads pumping in... You'll be so excited that you'll want to tell every business owner in town.
Even better...
When you DO tell them...
You'll have proof that what you have actually works, and they'll be more than happy to work with you.
Because you'll be one of the few lead generators that can actually SHOW you know what you're doing.
And that's ALL possible because...

We’ve Teamed Up With An Exclusive, ‘Silent’  Partner...

Who Wants To PAY YOU Outright 
For Any Leads You Generate!

Basically, we formed a partnership with a silent lead “broker”.
Someone who takes leads from various sources…
Then distributes them to the right business owners at the right time.
So – instead of you having to take your own leads and sell them yourself…
They will sell them for you in exchange for a small cut.
But trust me, this “cut” is well worth it to you…
Since you have to do NOTHING aside from generate the leads, gain confidence, and in turn... build the Kingdom.
Our lead “broker” already has all the connections in place to sell them…
So he’s willing to buy your leads from you from Day 1 at a fair price (more on that below).

In My Experience…
This Should Cut Your Time From
Total Beginner to Profitable Lead Gen Biz
At Least in HALF!

Again, I believe that anyone can come in and build lead-gen websites.

And even if you still have your doubts…
Inside Marketing With A Mission I’ll be personally guiding you through the process…
Giving you detailed, “click here, click there”... “drag this, drop that” style instructions.
The only way you wouldn’t be able to get the lead-gen side of things working…
Is if you just never opened up the training modules!
And now, thanks to this revolutionary new partnership…
The second you have a site up and generating leads…
You’ll be able to “trade” them for a reliable, passive stream of online income.
It’s that simple!
But Here’s The REAL Reason Why This New Partnership Is So Valuable…
You see, by removing the sales and prospecting side of the equation…
You get the chance to simply focus on generating leads in a low-pressure, stress-free environment…
While still getting paid for it.
(Think of it like paid training for a new job, just a lot more passive 😉)
So then, when the time does eventually come to go out and find your first client or 2…
You’ll have a way easier time since now you’ll have already generated leads in various niches.
Put simply you’ll KNOW what you’re talking about!
This gives you the confidence to “sell” yourself – and actually believe that you can help the other person…
Plus with real lead-gen results to lean on…
Clients will be far less skeptical, and are generally happy to strike a deal.
Imagine it like this:
Do you think Chris the Concrete Pourer is more likely to say “YES” to paying you $2,000/month for your lead-gen services…
If you’re able to show him you already have a site in the concrete niche generating 30 calls a month?
Of course he’ll be!
And that’s why if you asked me, this is the perfect “launching pad” into your new lead-gen biz.
You get the chance to get paid – while building up your confidence and experience…
Which is also why even though it might not offer the “big paydays” of landing clients, at least in the beginning…

My Students Are LOVING This Because
It’s Hands-Off, Stress-Free…
And Has a Huge ROI On Your Most
Valuable Resource: Your Time!

Here, check this out:

Let’s say you build out 10 MWAM style lead-gen sites.
This is exactly how I’ll be teaching you to do it inside the program…
It’s the proven lead-gen “recipe” countless successful students of mine have followed too.
Then, let’s say you get each site generating around 30 leads a month…
A very realistic number based on the results me and my students have seen time and time again.
But then – instead of having to find clients for every single site, where…
❌ You have to fight the uphill battle of winning over clients without any prior results or experience to lean on.
❌ Even then it can take months to find the right client for any given site.
❌ And you risk leaving money on the table – because the leads you’re generating go to waste in the meantime…
With this new opportunity you can simply pass those leads over to our silent partner…
Who will buy them from you at an average of $5 a pop.
Here’s a screenshot just to show you what it looks like:
These were leads I was generating in various niches last year, but was struggling to find regular full-time clients for.

If you run the numbers on what I got paid for each lead (the “Payout” column)...

You’ll see we’re just over that average, at $5.03 a lead.
Which I know, might not sound like a lot…
But let’s do the math:
10 sites generating 30 leads a month each…
Is a grand total of 300 leads generated every month.
Lead broker pays you $5 a pop...
Ends up being $1,500 a month!

(By the way, the relationship with the Lead Broker is all automated so you don't have to barter or pester for payments. You'll just receive a lump sum every month for your leads!)

Suddenly that “measly” $5 per lead doesn’t sound so bad, right?
And the best part is…
Since ALL you have to do thanks to this new partnership is generate the leads themselves…
You could simply rinse and repeat our proven site building process…
Go all-in and build a fleet of 20… 30… even 50 lead-gen sites…
Then let our silent partner take all those leads off your hands – in return for passive payments sent straight to your bank account!
Imagine having 50 sites.
50 sites at 30 leads each is 1,500 leads generated a month…

At that same $5 a lead average you’d be earning upwards of $7,500 a month!

Now obviously, the point of this business isn’t to make money for money’s sake.

So let me ask you

It’s Time To Dream BIG:

What Kind Of IMPACT Could You Be Making With That Kind Of Income?

Give more to worthy causes?
Send your kids to a good college?

Fund and even go on Missionary trips?

Or whatever else you feel is the most impactful way to grow the Kingdom and give back.

…now that you’re earning a respectable income without trading away 40+ hours of your week!
Where you can go from here is limitless!
But hey, let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves.
The first step is to simply help you get your first few lead-gen sites up.
Besides, you’re here on this page because you’re interested in Marketing With A Mission…
And I want to be respectful of your time.
So we’ll come back to how you can get started selling leads to our “silent” partner in just a second.
But for now I want to personally introduce you to what I believe will single-handedly transform your life this year…


The goal of 
Marketing With A Mission is simple:

Walk you step-by-step through building your first 3 Lead-Gen sites.
Then we’ll get you plugged into our exclusive lead buying partnership…
And have you generating a real, passive online income…
All inside the next 30 days.
Plus, as part of Marketing With A Mission…
You’ll get full, lifetime access to the exact same program that’s given hundreds of successful Christians their big breakthroughs.
In fact you’ve heard it directly from them during our challenge!
And the best part is…
These were all regular Americans just like you and me.
What got them to where they are now – where they’re doing things like…

✔️ Quitting their jobs and taking back their freedom.

✔️ Earning $5K-$10K+ a month “on the side” – while devoting more time than ever before to their ministries.
✔️ And providing a life of safety, security and abundance for their families.
…was that they simply said “YES” to the same opportunity that’s in front of you right now.
But still, I know you’re probably feeling skeptical.
So please, take a second to…

Listen To What Other Christians From All Over America

Are Saying About Cory And His Training…

“Guys, Cory Long and this group has been a blessing from day one. Just by being reminded that whatever I do, I should be doing it for the Lord. My whole mindset has changed and my brain feels like it’s been unstuck and now it’s been exploding all over the place!”           
- Tonya C.

“I got my first client within 30 days! What we provide is so worthwhile to the people that we’re talking to… God being able to bless us with those kind of resources we can bless so many more people.”
- Rod K.

“For a LONG time income was tied to a location for me. If I wanted to go on vacation I would have to consider how many days I would miss because missed days = missed pay. I took a vacation with my wife for the first time just us since having kids 7 years ago and I made money while on vacation lol. Also being in ministry can make it weird when it would come to how to pay for vacations. I just wouldn’t go on vacation unless it was gifted to me. Now, It’s even better not taking a salary from ministry anymore.”                                                                                                                                                                                             
- Jeff M.

Listen To What Other People have said About Cory

And The Program!

And now with the amazing opportunity that’s in front of you today…
I want to help you join the other successful Christians you’ve just heard from above.
Doing everything in my power to help you get YOUR first big breakthroughs…
Not in a year from now…
Not in the next 6 months…
But inside the next 30 days!
So with that being said – here’s a detailed look at all the training, coaching, help, support, and guidance we have in store for you…
All designed to help you acquire this skillset, put it into action…
And make the kinds of big changes you’ve been wanting in your life.

Here Is Everything You’re Getting

Inside Marketing With A Mission

✔️ LIFETIME Access to Marketing With A Mission ($3,995 Value)

This is the exact same program you’ve heard students of mine talking about during our Freedom To Serve Challenge.

And now for a limited time…
We’re opening up enrollment to give YOU your chance to get started here too.
Inside I’ll be teaching you things like…
- My unique, PROVEN process for generating leads for local business owners.
- Step-by-step, “do-this do-that” style instructions for building your first ever lead-gen sites (trust me when I say this was built by one non-techie for another!)
- All the “business” things that usually trip people up – like how to take payments, file an LLC, and get an EIN (boring stuff – but something that most other programs skip over entirely.)
And more!
But then, just to help catapult your online business and help you finally get the kind of results you’ve been wanting…
We’re also including for our FTS Challenge takers ONLY…

✔️ 30-Day MWAM Live “Sprint” Coaching ($3,995 Value)

Rather than chucking a bunch of confusing new information at you, then leaving you to make sense of it all on your own…
We’ve also built out a new 30 Day “Sprint” Style coaching program.
Where over the course of 30 days you’ll walk alongside me and my coaching team – including some of my other students…
We’re going to personally help you build your first 3 lead-gen sites and get them up and running by the end of the next 30 days.
If you’ve tried other online businesses, but felt like what was missing was a sense of direction – like you never knew what to do next…
Then this new 30-Day Coaching Program will be perfect for you!
As long as you show up to our live calls and coaching sessions it’s impossible to get lost…
And by the end of the next 30 days you’ll have your first 3 sites up and running, generating leads!
However having leads in hand doesn’t mean much if you don’t have a way to get paid for them…
Which is why we’re also giving you…

✔️ Unlimited Access To Our Lead Buying Platform ($2,995 Value)

I fully expect that our new lead-buying partnership will make you back your investment into the MWAM Program all on its own.
And the reason why…
Is because when combined with MWAM this is like the perfect “one-two punch” to getting you results – like your first $500-$1,500 a month – as fast as possible.
You see, I believe gaining momentum is the key to success in anything.
And with this new partnership in place…
You don’t have to worry about the tech side AND the sales side of things all at once.
Which I know for most people it’s a lot to wrap their head around.
Especially at the beginning.
But now you have the opportunity to simply put together your first few sites…
(With our help, training, and step-by-step instructions, of course!)
Then get PAID for your leads and get that critical momentum going for you right from the start.
From there if you wanted, you can do some prospecting and we’ll even help you find your first paying clients.
In fact, many of my students even use this as a “hybrid” approach…
Just to make sure their sites are still making them money while they search for a full-time client!
The point is…
What used to be a roadblock for so many others has now been completely removed for you.
And in all my years in online marketing (over 7 by now!)…
I’ve never seen an easier way for beginners to come in and get their first big wins.
Do you think this might give you the kind of traction you haven’t felt like you’ve been able to find before?

✔️ The Ultimate Niche Selection Guide ($995 Value)

How do you know what industry or niche is best to build your sites in? Or which town, city, or state you should focus on?
No worries! In this bonus training I’m going to show you exactly how I go about picking niches for my own business.
Including which Industries (like fencing, concrete, towing, etc.) are best to work with… and how to scout the best physical locations.
Generally speaking it’s a cross between cities with a good population but little lead-gen competition. But more on this inside the training 🙂
I expect this will also speed up your time to results…
Because now you won’t have to trial and error the right niche-city pairing all on your own.

✔️ The Mailbox Money Planning Worksheet ($995 Value)

Once you’ve got your niches picked out…
This exclusive guide will make sure your sites have everything they need to generate floods of leads – practically on demand.
Follow this and you’ll NEVER have to worry that you forgot a key element!

✔️ The Ultimate Guide To Your Perfect Day ($495 Value)

Marketing With A Mission is about so much more than gaining a skillset and doing marketing.My goal with this program is to help you change your LIFE!

So inside this special guide I’ve prepared for you…
I’m going to help you map out – and achieve – exactly what your “perfect day” looks like.
From the time of day you wake up… to the time you devote to your ministries… to simply being at home with your family more often…
And anything else you want to do more of once you’ve taken back your time.

✔️ 2 Tickets to DSF Live Event! ($750 Value)

With the world getting back to normal I am ITCHING to host another live event!

At one of our past events our students walked away with a combined $15K in new business revenue. IN ONE AFTERNOON.
That’s right – this isn’t a coffee and donuts get together 😉
This is where we all get in a room for a few days and make it happen!
Plus it’ll give you the opportunity to meet and build relationships with other like-minded Christians from all over the Nation.
But we’re not stopping there!
Since you showed up for our Freedom To Serve Challenge and stuck with us until now…
(Something that not many people can say they did – you should be proud!)
I’m also adding in a couple exclusive bonuses…
Just to put more income-growing tools in your toolbox.

✔️ BONUS #1: The “Quick Lead” Method ($1,995 Value)

Sometimes it can take a few days up to a few weeks to get your lead-gen sites ranked.

So I’m including this training to give you some of my favorite lead-gen strategies…
Specifically designed to get your sites generating leads immediately – this way you can get paid faster!
(This is especially true now that you’ll have access to the lead buying partnership too!)
I use these strategies all the time in my own business and now I want to pass them over to you.
Not to mention – this “Quick Lead” Method will help you hit those 30… 40… 50 leads a month per site kind of numbers we talked about earlier.

✔️ BONUS #2: 1-Month FlyWheel Funnel Trial + Coaching ($2,995 Value)

If you’re a beginner to online marketing then you’re going to LOVE this!
At no extra cost when you invest in Marketing With A Mission today…
You’re also going to get Free Access to FlyWheel Funnel. Which is essentially a push-button service + software combo that makes it extremely easy to deliver a service clients will happily pay $500+ for!
We want to give you Free Access for the next month…
Plus like always, we’re including all the training and coaching needed to implement everything and get you rolling as fast as possible

✔️ BONUS #3: Golden Ticket to our Flagship Digital Storefronts Program ($1,997 Value)

When you join Marketing With a Mission, you’ll be able to roll your total investment into our flagship Digital Storefronts program.
This program is everything I know - acquired over the last 7 years - about creating and scaling an extremely profitable, semi-passive income business.
And you’ll be able to roll every penny you invest in MWAM today straight into Digital Storefronts.

Phew! I know we just covered a lot.

So Let’s Take A Second To Pause 
And Add It All Up…

Now, the grand total for everything you’re getting today…
Adds up to a whopping $21,207.
Which I know probably sounds absurd!
But I refuse to be one of those online “gurus” who strings you along…
Selling you just one small piece of the puzzle at a time.
I want to give you everything you need to succeed right from Day 1!
Here’s the good news though:
Since you took me up on our Freedom To Serve Challenge…
And since you had the courage to take action – making it all the way to where you are now…
Today I’m going to offer you everything you see above NOT for $21,207.
Not even for HALF of that, which would be around $10,603.
And not even for half of THAT, which would be $5,301.
Instead – you can have Lifetime Access to Marketing With A Mission plus everything else I’ve listed above…
For just one single investment of $1,997!
Or if it’s more comfortable you can also spread it out by going with one of our monthly installment options.
But no matter what you choose…
You’re getting an over 90% discount on the total value of this program!
So if you see the potential in joining Marketing With A Mission…
And if you want to grab this opportunity to work alongside us and change your life during the next 30 days…
All you have to do now is click the button below to take the next steps.

Total Value: $21,207
Yours Today For Only…
One-Time Investment of $1,997!
(Monthly Plans Available Too)

Still Not Sure If Marketing With A Mission

Is Right For You?
Look, this program is not a lottery ticket.
But if you’re the type of person who’s willing to come in, follow my step-by-step instructions, and put in a little work…
Then I have no doubts whatsoever that you’ll see amazing results by the end of these next 30 days together.
Look how far you’ve come in as little as 4 days of our Free Challenge!
However even with all that being said…
I wouldn't ever want to put you in a bind, if this turned out not to be for you.
So – if for ANY reason (or no reason) at all you decide you’re not happy with Marketing With A Mission…
You have a full 14 days to email us and request (and get) a complete 100% money back refund.
No questions asked and no hard feelings.
Does that sound fair?
I want to take all the risk off your shoulders and make it a no-brainer to get started!
Because imagine what it’d feel like to get to the end of these next 30 days…
Being able to look back on this as the moment that everything changed?
The life you want is right in front of you…
If you’re ready to jump in and join us then click the button below.
On the next page you’ll select which investment option works best for you…
(One-time investment or one of our monthly options)
And then we’ll take the next steps in this journey together.

Total Value: $21,207
Yours Today For Only…
One-Time Investment of $1,997!
(Monthly Plans Available Too)

Ok – that’s all I have for you.
But before we part ways…
I want you to realize that there are 2 paths in front of you right now:

1. You Can Let This Opportunity Pass You By

I’ll be honest – a lot of people take this option because it’s “easy”.
If stepping into a life of abundance, freedom, and serving on a massive scale were easy…
Everybody would be doing it!
But it still needs to be said…
This is one of the 2 paths you could walk today.
You could close this page and go back to waiting for the “perfect” opportunity to come along…
But in my experience the only perfect opportunities in life are the ones we make the most of.
And with Marketing With A Mission…
We’re stacking all the odds in your favor to help you succeed.
We’re removing the “tech” roadblock by giving you our exact step-by-step process for generating leads…
And now we’re also removing the “sales” roadblock…
By giving you this one-of-a-kind opportunity to get paid for your leads the second you have them – without needing a single client.
Everything you need is right here in front of you…
Saying “no” would be like pulling up to an intersection where every single light for miles ahead is green…
But deciding not to go!
Which brings me to the second path you can walk today…

2. Join Us Inside Marketing With A Mission

Right now while there are still spots available…
(I am sorry but due to the hands-on nature of this program, we simply cannot accept an unlimited number of people.)
…you have the unique opportunity to join us inside Marketing With A Mission.
Where inside we’re going to give you everything you need to get the kind of results you’ve been waiting for…
Whether that’s…
✔️ Simply earning an extra $500-$1,500 a month to support your family.

✔️ Swap your current salary with an entirely online income – letting you quit your job and embrace a life of freedom.

✔️ Grow this into a thriving online biz that gives you the time and financial resources to serve, make an impact, and do the things you love.
You’ve seen how countless other students of mine are already DOING these things right now!
And there’s nothing stopping you from grabbing this opportunity and getting these kinds of results for you and your family too.
I firmly believe that this could be what you look back on in a year, even just a few months from now…
As the moment that was your one key turning point.
The moment where you took the first step and NEVER looked back!
Are you ready for that moment?
I want to thank you again for spending the last few days with me.
If our journey ends here, then I hope you found immense value in the training and resources I’ve given you so far.
I really hope to see you inside Marketing With A Mission – so that we can continue this journey building the Kingdom together.

Your Friend,

Cory Long

Click The Button Below Now To Begin This New Journey

Total Value: $21,207
Yours Today For Only…
One-Time Investment of $1,997!
(Monthly Plans Available Too)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Cory… I have no experience in marketing. Will this really work for me?

This isn’t a push-button business. But as long as you’re willing to follow the step-by-step instructions I’ve laid out for you… then there is no reason why you shouldn’t see results inside MWAM.
Plus to date I’ve coached thousands of regular Americans how to do this!
In fact this is why Marketing With A Mission is one of my most sought-after training programs. 
It’s specifically designed to walk alongside you – taking you from beginner to thriving online biz owner.

Q: I’m not really tech savvy. Will that hold me back?

Only if you want to let it hold you back. As someone who’s not a “tech” guy myself… I can say with 100% confidence that ANYONE can learn how to do this.
Does it take a little time and effort? You bet! Just like any other highly-valuable skillset.
But the entire program is designed to walk you through the basics, show you the ropes, and help you get a hang of how to do this.

Q: How much money does it take?

You can get started inside Marketing With A Mission for as little $395 (6 installments) or a one-time investment of $1995.
It’s also worth noting that there are some small business expenses required too. Because what kind of legitimate business doesn’t have expenses?
However you’ll be happy to know that these “expenses” are incredibly small! We’re talking around $180 bucks a year to run a lead-gen site…
When that one site could be earning you $200-$300 a month at a minimum – you can see how big the potential for ROI is!

Q: I’m not sure I can afford it...

If it’s between paying rent and joining us inside MWAM… then please pass on this offer!
The LAST thing I want is to have my program put you and your family in a bind.
However if that’s not the case for you, then please consider this:
What are you losing by NOT getting started today?
You’ve seen how little it takes to potentially generate around $1500 a month. How much would you have left on the table if you started 1 to 2 years from now… instead of today?

Q: I’m worried my spouse, friends, or other family members won’t support me...

Unfortunately for many people like us – who feel called to something bigger than simply following more “traditional” work opportunities…
This is something that happens. And I totally get it.
Which is also why you’re going to join our Marketing With A Mission community – where you’ll join a new family of like-minded Kingdom entrepreneurs!
They’ll be there to cheer you on, support you, and even give you help whenever you need it.
We’ve also found it’s more effective to ask your spouse for support in starting this amazing new journey, versus asking for permission.
And the best way to gain the support of others is actually SHOW them all the action you’re taking!

Q: Why are you doing this?

A lot of people don’t believe me when I give an answer this simple… 
But I’m doing this because I’m here to serve.
I spent 17 years in full-time youth ministry, and I’m still involved in various ministries today.
But eventually I thought.. why stop there? Why not take stewardship of the resources required to serve on a way bigger scale – including through things like business, marketing, and entrepreneurship?
I feel incredibly blessed to have the life that I do not. It still feels like yesterday I was struggling to pay the bills, and looking at a retirement account with nothing in it.
So now my mission is to give these same tools to as many other Believers as possible – so that they can make big positive changes in their lives too.

Q: How is Marketing With A Mission different from any other online marketing programs?

The biggest difference is in how most courses and programs give you a firehose of new information, then simply leave you to make sense of it all on your own.
With MWAM not only will you get hands-on type of support from me and my entire team…

But now with the new 30-Day “Sprint” we’re including just for our Freedom To Serve Challenge takers…
You’ll also get a customized 30-day roadmap to learning this skillset, putting it into action, and getting to your first $500-$1500 a month!
Oh – and not to mention the new lead buying partnership you’ll also get access to. I don’t think I’ve ever come across an online training program that gives you both the skillset AND a simple way to monetize it!

Q: Do I have to sell my leads to the partner you mentioned? Or can I go out and find clients for my sites?

You can do whichever you want! This new partnership was designed simply to help you go from zero to profitable as FAST as possible – by removing the sales and prospecting side of the equation.
But if you wanted, you’re totally free to go out, hunt down some clients, and get those big $3-4K/month paydays! There’s a whole section of the MWAM training dedicated to this too – so no matter which route you decide to go we’ll be there to guide you.

Q: What happens if I decide MWAM isn’t for me?if I decide this challenge isn’t for me?

No worries, it happens. Which is why you’re covered by our 14-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Which means you can join us for the first 2 weeks of the program…
Leverage all the training, support, live coaching calls, and everything else…
And if after a full 14 days you’re still not entirely “sold”, just send our team an email and we’ll return every penny of your investment. No hard feelings and no harm done.

Q: How long will this amazing offer be available?

This offer will close down on Sunday, May 15th at 11:59 PM EST. 


Because we kick off the 30-day sprint next week! It just wouldn't work if people were joining at random times. 

Q: How can I get started?

Glad to hear you’re ready to go!
The next step is to simply click the button below – then on the next page select which investment plan (one time vs. monthly) works best for you.
After that you’ll get instant access to the full Marketing With A Mission Program, the extra worksheets and guides, and the 2 bonuses.
Then in just a day or two from now I’ll be sending over all the details on the 30-Day “Sprint” Coaching too 🙂
I can’t wait to start this new journey together! Just click the button below to take the next steps.

Total Value: $21,207
Yours Today For Only…
One-Time Investment of $1,997!
(Monthly Plans Available Too)

© 2022 Digital Storefronts 

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In the nature of transparency and authenticity, we do make a special offer at the end only if you'd like help actually implementing these tactics and strategies. Is it required? Absolutely not. Will you receive value & insight even if you don't want to speak together? 100% yes. Some people will take this online training, implement it by themselves, and see great breakthrough. Some people will see what's possible, and know that working together is just what they need to get results even faster. It's completely up to you but we hope that you'll at least participate in the free training, use it, and let us know what you think!​ 
DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page and discussed in this training are the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT ATTEND THIS TRAINING
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