Are you exhausted ?:

DiD you know that carrying a baby and breastfeeding depletes the mama?

Is your milk supply low?

Could you be suffering with


Are you Fatigued and Exhausted?

Post natal depletion is a condition that over 50% of women struggle with after giving birth. A mom's body will give up her nutrients in order to support the growth of her baby. When these nutrients are not replaced, post natal depletion happens.

Poor Nutrition
Lack of sleep
Societal pressure

  • Mothers with two or more children

  • ​Moms that have children less than 3 years apart

  • ​Moms that don't eat a highly nutrient dense diet

What are the signs?

WHo is most likely to get Post pardum depletion

  • Fatigue

  • ​unintentionally falling asleep

  • ​Mood swings

  • ​Brain fog

  • ​Feeling guilt or shame

I have gone through postpartum depression after having each baby. With my youngest I never seemed to recover. I had tried many different products, but I wasn't happy with the results. In July I heard about Soullife and I figured it couldn't hurt to try. After the first month I  already started to notice 😊. The cloud of sadness just slowly started lifting and I noticed I wasn't getting so overwhelmed about everything anymore. I could actually handle people coming to my house without going crazy.  I haven't felt this good in years. I'm so thankful that I heard about the minerals😀

My baby was crying all the time, I don't think she was getting enough milk because my body was so depleted. Everything was going to my baby and i was exhausted and had severe brain fog.  After 2 months on soullife I started to feel more like me again, my baby was happier and more content.  Who would have known it was such a simple fix.

How can I fight Post natal depletion?

If Post Natal depletion is not delt with, moms can experience physical, mental, and emotional symptoms, including pst pardum depression. Mothers are often lacking in iron, vitamin B12, Magnesium, zinc and copper. Mothers often don't know which supplements to use with so many on the market today.

We have found the secret

Humic and Fulvic Acid 
Sourced from POP-c
Prehistoric Organic Plant Compound

Fossilized  plant material found in ancient underground mines


Highest quality ingredients

 thousands of years old

This raw, organic all natural source of plant minerals stands above the rest. 

It contains over 70 ionic minerals.
Pre biotics
Trace minerals
Macro Minerals
Postive Ions

Happy Baby 

 Happy Mama

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