Don't just take our word for it... here are some more Customer Testimonials on how using CELLENDA and REKICK has helped them to FINALLY regain control over their health...

Don't just take our word for it... here are some more Customer
Testimonials on how using CELLENDA and REKICK has helped
them to FINALLY regain control over their health...

Jackie B _ testimonial pic

"My life before SoulLife - my IBS was so bad. I would have to get up one hour before I would have to leave the house so my bowels could settle down. I have tried many, many different types of medicine. Nothing ever worked, except when I was pregnant. Then everything would settle down.

I would have to watch what I would eat. I've also always been a very hot lady and would sweat lots. Some days, I would shower twice. I would always shower in the mornings, for sure, because I sweat so much at night. Some nights, I would wake up and have to change my PJ's plus my bedding, from sweating so much.

I've been taking SoulLife for over a month now. I'm on day two with no sweating at night time. I've gone two days without washing my hair. My IBS has settled down. I also had a c-section ten months ago and completely lost my sex drive. My husband is a very happy man now because it's back. I have more energy.

It is amazing how these products have helped me. I will NEVER stop using them. I love it!"

~ Jackie B.

Michelle Spanidis _ testimonial pic

"So happy to have Soul Life right now, these 2 supplements have changed my life! The first 2 weeks I noticed more energy, bloating was gone and less cravings. In addition my hair is also growing much faster!! When your body is getting the minerals it needs cravings disappear. I now feel more in charge of my health and can’t wait for more positive changes. Thank you soulife ❤️🙏"

~ Michelle S.

Kristen Verschoor-Owens _ testimonial pic 2

"When I started Soullife I was already living a natural lifestyle with good-quality nutrition and supplements for many years. When I read the ingredients, I immediately recognized the power that was in these capsules. I jumped in feet first.

In my first week, I already noticed a change in my energy. I felt consistent energy from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed. I didn’t have that fatigue where I needed to crash. I didn’t realize my brain fog lifted until I ran out of my product and was waiting for my shipment. Recalling words and remembrance was not as quick to say the least. I also experience a calm within my nervous system at a cellular level. This is especially important when it comes to mental health balance.

My recovery from working out was FASTER, I felt I was becoming more HYDRATED, my sugar cravings had DISAPPEARED. I practised all the tricks I share with clients to eliminate or reduce sugar cravings with success but didn’t realize there were some remaining cravings here and there that were busted with Soul Life. Sleep became DEEPER and when I wake at 6 am, I (no joke) jump out of bed ready to workout. This was not typically my story before Soul Life.

I think what is most important to realize is that even for someone who is doing all the things for their health, adding Soul Life as part of a daily regiment can take one’s health to a whole new level REGARDLESS of the "good-quality" supplements and food is already being used.

Soul life is anti-aging at its finest since it starts from within!!!"

~ Kristen V.

David J _ testimonial pic

“Some of the health issues I have dealt with in the past have included poor sleep, some anxiety and gut/digestion issues. I am lactose intolerant and I also have a high metabolism so I’ve always had a hard time gaining weight and keeping it on.

I started Soul Life 2 months ago and have seen improvement in several areas already. I am sleeping MUCH better and my anxiety has DECREASED. I have fewer issues with food – things that were a problem before are not affecting me as much anymore. I’m much more “regular” now, as well. I’ve also gained 10 pounds and feel much stronger! I work out regularly and am currently training for events like “Mud Hero” and I have noticed that my recovery time after workouts is much better.”

~ David J.

Vivian Morin _ testimonial pic

“My name is Vivian and I am so grateful to be alive! 🙏

Two summers ago proved to be a difficult time for me. In the span of a month, I had five heart attacks and died twice on the surgery table...

Now days with this world wide pandemic going on around us I am even more thankful to be here! I am staying home and self-isolating. But it hasn’t stopped me from becoming overly stressed with the constant news and world death counts and not being able to sleep full nights has most definitely affected my immune system. Sleep is the most fundamental source to fight infections!

So I decided to start on a SoulLife journey to help me in my health! Thank goodness for the natural minerals in SoulLife as I have seen huge improvements thus far! I am finely sleeping full nights and much more peacefully as you can see! Maybe too much as I have to put my alarm on

I am in amazement each day how the body can start healing and adapting once deficiencies are balanced!”

~ Vivian B.

Anna Fehr _ testimonial pic

"I’ve been on Soullife for 3 months now. And I feel AMAZING!!🌱

I always struggled with fatigue. I would drag myself out of bed every single day, also throughout the day. Thinking this was just how moms felt after having babies.

Until I started using Soullife, that has changed A LOT!

When I wake up, I’m MORE alert and am ready to CONQUER the day. Also way more sustainable energy throughout the day. 🙌 Plus I have more solid sleep. 🌿

Thank you Soullife for bringing my life back!!🌱"

~ Anna F.

Bev Schmidtke _ testimonial pic

"I’m on my third month of Cellenda/ Rekick from Soul Life. First I noticed MORE energy which is huge for me. 😊 I had major bowel issues forever, I never had bowel movements everyday and sometimes I wouldn’t go for 3 or 4 days causing major main, now I go everyday, sometimes 2-3 times a day and I feel great!! I used to have horrible hot flashes during the day that I would hide in the cooler at work. Now that has lessened big time. Not burning up anymore! 😊
I was craving chocolate when I started Soul Life, I guess things were trying to balance out! No more craving chocolate! My go to snack/ craving was eating chips. I don’t have nearly the cravings for chips anymore!
" - from my niece Cathy

~ Bev S.

Anna R _ testimonial pic 2

"As a little girl, I heard other moms talking about how I didn't look healthy. As I got to my teenage years, I was definitely feeling better than I did as a child but I still fatigued very easily. That just got worse when I started to have children. I tried many different supplements💊 in hopes of feeling better. I did find some that helped but I couldn't afford them long-term because they were VERY expensive.💸

A few months ago, I was introduced to Soul Life and I'm ever so thankful!!! I found out that I hadn't been absorbing a lot of nutrients that my body so badly needed. I was so exhausted all the time (I didn't even want to get out of bed), I wasn't sleeping restfully and I had really bad brain fog, just to name a few things.

Fast forward to today - my brain fog is GONE, my energy has really IMPROVED, my digestion is a lot BETTER, plus I'm sleeping like a rock!👊 So thankful to God that I found something that is really working for me!"🙌

~ Anna R.

Cindie Durnie _ testimonial pic

"All I can say is WOW to these amazing nutritional supplements. I have just finished my 3rd month, I feel awake with ENERGY, my anxieties are pretty much GONE, I feel MORE positive, bloating is GONE, I’ve lost 12 pounds in 5 weeks!

As a type 2 diabetic, I am on a path to reverse this disease. My numbers have dropped by 2 points and my doctor has advised I can reduce my medication soon!

I have been excited to put my health as my number one focus....I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1993 and learned to live with it all these years. Soul Life has taken away the constant muscle aches, tiredness and fatigue. I’m feeling more healthy than I have in years!"

~ Cindie D.

Nicole R _ testimonial pic

"I am a 42-year-old mother of 3 active teenagers! In 2014, I got very sick with an ulcer and strep throat. While in the hospital, I ended up in septic shock and almost died 3 times. In 2015, I ended up needing a hysterectomy because my cycle was every 2 weeks and the doctor couldn't do anything more to help me. I have fibromyalgia, colitis, lung issues and an ulcer that I have been told will never heal because it's in my esophagus.

By the beginning of 2017, I was told by my doctor that I was as healthy as I was going to get. There was no hope of me ever having enough energy to do everything that I wanted/needed to do. I ended up spending more time in bed than I did out of it. My body was a human barometer. I could feel every storm before it was even on the radar and was constantly wrapped in a heated blanket or covered head to toe in warm clothing.

My life has consisted of a lot of pain, low energy, rough sleeping patterns, chronic morning stiffness that wouldn’t necessarily let up during the day, tense muscles that spasm out of control at the slightest change in 

temperature, inability to breathe, brain fog/mental fatigue, numbness in my feet and legs and an inability to focus.

Simply starting a load of laundry drained my energy before I could go back upstairs. I constantly monitored how much sleep I was getting (usually 3-5 hours per night and no naps during the day either), how many steps I was taking (maximum 4000 - 5000 per day) and how often I would be busy, as I needed to make sure I wasn’t doing too much in a short period of time.

I don't jump on every product that claims to allow healing or better health. However, after I had tried a few other products and seeing that nothing was allowing me to feel better, I decided to try Soul Life. June 7th was my first day of taking the product. I didn't notice much. I felt something but I wasn't sure what it was or if it was all in my head.

Knowing that I have never had enough energy to do more than just one day of anything in a week, I was sure that I was never going to make it through this week. My week consisted of 4 busy days and I knew for a fact that I would never make it through it. Within that first week, I was able to attend my daughter’s track & field and a drama performance, spent 2 days as an extra on a TV set, did laundry, grocery shopping, baking and still had energy to have company over.

A storm came through our area and I didn’t notice that it was coming at all or have any pain. I haven’t been able to enjoy a thunderstorm in 5 years. During the 2nd week, I visited friends, did 9 loads of laundry, worked in the garden, did a lot of housework, went shopping and started tackling projects because I still had energy to burn.

My husband and kids have benefited from me being able to do things with them. We’ve been able to be outside together, have bonfires, playing games and laughing together just like I always planned. My life has changed DRASTICALLY!

Now instead of pain, exhaustion, sleeplessness, fatigue and being a human barometer, I am able to function like I should. I no longer feel like I am 80. After just 2 weeks, I am getting between 7 – 8 hours of sleep per night and I am easily hitting the 8000 mark on my fitbit (now my feet and legs need to get used to being able to move like that again.) Being able to tire out my three teenagers and my dog makes me happy. I used to be tired just watching them play. Now, I get to be involved with my family."

~ Nicole R.



If all these people PLUS 1000's of other people across the country are experiencing these incredible, life-changing results by simply using Cellenda and Rekick every day.... why can't you? Seeing as your body NEEDS the exact same minerals and nutrients in order to function at it's highest level, there is a VERY GOOD chance that it could work for YOU as well.

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