Part 1: Our Team



When two good souls meet, good things follow. There’s a remarkable reason Jordan Fillion and Jeff Martin met in 2006 while attending a technology conference --- that fateful crossroads set them on a whole new path of discovery, one that’s now benefiting the health and wellness of people across the globe.

Jeff _ founderimg
Jeff _ founderimg



Jordan and Jeff quickly found they had much in common. They shared a profound sense of integrity, a deep love of family, and a propensity to go out of the way to help others.

When Jeff’s conversation turned to personal and family health concerns, Jordan was eager to help by referring Jeff to a local team of natural health practitioners.

Jeff experienced astonishing results and the subsequent medical proof from his doctors had a life-changing effect on him. He began researching the field of natural health, devouring every textbook and scientific article he could find. He recognized his true passion was natural wellness.

Changing careers entirely, Jeff studied to become a holistic health practitioner. All thanks to a serendipitous meeting and a newfound kinship with Jordan who encouraged Jeff’s pursuit of holistic health and shared his own knowledge gained from years of study.


Jordan grew up on a family farm and developed a natural curiosity about the world’s food systems. Wise beyond his years, he persistently questioned his grandparents, learning all he could about farming and the foods we eat. It became clear how dramatic agriculture had changed just during his grandparents’ lifetimes.

Fueled by a voracious thirst for knowledge, Jordan spent most of his teen years studying. He studied not only food systems but also human health and nutrition. Alarmed by the prevalence of illness and disease in populations, he recognized the relationship between modern farming and the lack of proper nutrients in today’s foods with the pervasiveness of poor health.

Yet he also had a greater realization. He recognized that an education in the food industry is futile without an equal education in health and nutrition. And so he diligently pursued both.

Jordan _ founderimg
Jordan _ founderimg


Together, Jordan and Jeff have connected other similarly invaluable and insightful dots, reaching back into ancient knowledge and giving rise to several ground-breaking, wellness discoveries that today is the secret behind SoulLife.

We are living in a time where the amount of nutrients that our bodies are actually absorbing right now is LOWER then ever before in history and therefore, it is absolutely crucial that people start using both CELLENDA and REKICK today... let me explain.

Every day, our bodies are constantly under attack by hundreds of thousands of environmental toxins and pollutants.

Every day, our bodies are constantly under attack by hundreds of thousands of environmental toxins and pollutants.

And, on top of that, our soils have been contaminated by Pesticides and Chemical Fertilizers (thanks to modern farming practices) that not only ENDANGER our health but also contribute to soil erosion and nutrient depletion.

environmental toxins

And, on top of that, our soils have been contaminated by Pesticides and Chemical Fertilizers (thanks to modern farming practices) that not only ENDANGER our health but also contribute to soil erosion and nutrient depletion.

As a result of that, our foods now contain FAR FEWER nutrients (including fulvic acids), in MUCH LESSER quantities than ever before in history.

In other words? We are getting fewer nutrients from our food nowadays and because our ability to properly use those few nutrients that are in our foods, is also impaired...

This weakens our immune system and makes us more vulnerable to infections and diseases.

Health experts say we need up to 90 different nutrients in our diets every day and more than 60 of which are Minerals and Trace Elements.

However, the sad fact is that we are simply NOT getting them from our standard North American diet.

And although many people take various supplements regularly, thinking that they are building up their health....

Did you know that this actually just ends up being a huge waste of their time AND money 💰?

This is because it is proven that their body CAN'T actually use many of the nutrients in those supplements, without a helping hand from some very specific minerals & fulvic acids.

And because of this, that's why we believe that the 2nd part of our "Success Formula" (the high quality ingrediants that include these specific minerals & fulvic acids) is sooo crucial!

Think about it this way...

If you were to take those same Health Professionals as before and only give them cheap, low-quality ingrediants to work with...  

They would only AT BEST, be able to create low-quality, synthetic products (similar to most of the products found on the market today)...


Products that are lacking the right essential minerals and fulvic acids (which the body requires for proper absorption) and therefore would be guaranteed to fall short on all of their promises of delivering ANY sort of health benefits...

Which is bad in and of itself but that's not even the scary part...

What's even worse than not delivering on their promises, is that these products (because they are made from such low quality ingredients) have a very high potential of creating Long-Term, even Life Threatning health issues just from simply using them for any period of time ⚠️

Therefore... because our goal is to truly help people and to make sure that we make products that will actually help people CHANGE their life, let me give you a quick sneak peak at the high quality, little known "miracle" ingrediants that were used by our health team to formulate Cellenda and Rekick...

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